E-Mobility and Renewables
Current Sensors
Current and Voltage Sensors
Current Sensors/Transducers
- Split Core AC Current Sensors Process Output
- Solid Core AC Current Sensors with Process Outputs
- DC Current Sensor with Process Outputs
- DC Current Shunts
- Panel Mount Current Sensors
- Busbar Mount Current Sensors
- Surface Mount Current Sensors
- PCB Mount Current Sensors
- Automotive Current Sensors
- High Precision/Flux Gate
- Sensor Mounting Accessories
Voltage Sensors/Transducers
Current Transformers
Special Current Sensors
kWh Energy Meters
Temperature/Humidity Control
Power Process Automation
Motor Control and Protection
Programable Logic Controllers and HMI
kWh Meters
Current Transformers
Din Rail Mount Transducers, Transmitters, Panel Meters
Circuit Breakers
- Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
- DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (DCMCCB)
- Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
- DC Circuit Breakers
- RCD with Circuit Breaker (RCBO)
- Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB,RCD)
- Hydraulic/Magnetic Circuit Breakers
- Appliance Thermal Circuit Breakers
- Rocker Switch Circuit Breakers
- Motor Protection Circuit Breakers
Switches and Indicators
Timers & Relays
Power Semiconductors
Heatsink And Cooling
Circuit Breakers & Appliance Fuses
Circuit Breakers
- Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
- Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
- DC Miniature Circuit Breakers (DC MCB)
- DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (DC MCCB)
- Appliance Thermal Circuit Breakers
- Rocker & Push Button Circuit Breakers
- Motor Protection Breakers & Starters
- Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
- Residual Current Device (RCD)
- Residual Current Circuit Breakers with Overcurrent Detection (RCBO)
Appliance Fuses & Holders
Solar Fuses
I²t Ultra Rapid Fuses
Semiconductor/HRC Fuses
- BS88 Style Fuse Links (aR)
- Small square Body DIN 43 653 Fuses (aR)
- European DIN 43 653 Fuses (aR)
- Automotive Power Fuses (gR)
- Cartridge Fuses with Din Rail Holder (gR)
- Cartridge Semiconductor Fuses (gR)
- European Size 33 (aR)
- NH0/NH00 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH000 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH1 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH2 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH3 Fuses (gG/gL)
- Amp Trap Fuses (Round)
Fuse Holders/Mounting Hardware
DC Contactor and Batttery Fuses
Surge Protection & Safety
Power Controllers
Power Factor Correction
Solid State Relays
- AC Control Solid State Relays
- DC Control Solid Sate Relays
- AC Switching Solid State Relays
- DC Switching Solid State Relays
- Din Rail Mount Solid State Relays
- Proportional Phase/Burst SSR
- 2 Pole Solid State Relays
- 3 Phase Solid State Relays
- Triac & AC Switch Modules
Solid State Relay & Heatsink
Slim DIN Rail or PCB Mount Types
Solid State Contactors
Contactors and HV Relays
Relays and Timers
Power Supplies and Battery Chargers
Test Equipment
Test Leads and Probes
IEC Inlets and Connectors
Wide Range of Switches
Cordsets & Power Distribution
PDU's and Enclosures
Light & Sound
Communication Hardware
Software & IOT Systems
- Current Sensors/Transducers
- Split Core AC Current Sensors Process Output
- Solid Core AC Current Sensors with Process Outputs
- DC Current Sensor with Process Outputs
- DC Current Shunts
- Panel Mount Current Sensors
- Busbar Mount Current Sensors
- Surface Mount Current Sensors
- PCB Mount Current Sensors
- Automotive Current Sensors
- High Precision/Flux Gate
- Sensor Mounting Accessories
- Temperature and Humidity Controllers
- Dial / Encoder Temperature Controllers
- 48x24mm Panel Size
- 48x48mm Panel Size
- 72x72mm Panel Size
- 48x96mm Panel Size
- 96x48mm Panel Size
- 96x96mm Panel Size
- Dual Loop Controllers
- PWM Duct Heater Modules
- Pattern/Step/Ramp-Soak Controllers
- Refrigeration and HVAC Controllers
- DIN Rail Mount
- Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
- DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (DCMCCB)
- Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
- DC Circuit Breakers
- RCD with Circuit Breaker (RCBO)
- Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB,RCD)
- Hydraulic/Magnetic Circuit Breakers
- Appliance Thermal Circuit Breakers
- Rocker Switch Circuit Breakers
- Motor Protection Circuit Breakers
- Circuit Breakers
- Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
- Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
- DC Miniature Circuit Breakers (DC MCB)
- DC Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (DC MCCB)
- Appliance Thermal Circuit Breakers
- Rocker & Push Button Circuit Breakers
- Motor Protection Breakers & Starters
- Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breakers
- Residual Current Device (RCD)
- Residual Current Circuit Breakers with Overcurrent Detection (RCBO)
- Semiconductor/HRC Fuses
- BS88 Style Fuse Links (aR)
- Small square Body DIN 43 653 Fuses (aR)
- European DIN 43 653 Fuses (aR)
- Automotive Power Fuses (gR)
- Cartridge Fuses with Din Rail Holder (gR)
- Cartridge Semiconductor Fuses (gR)
- European Size 33 (aR)
- NH0/NH00 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH000 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH1 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH2 Fuses (gG/gL)
- NH3 Fuses (gG/gL)
- Amp Trap Fuses (Round)
- Home
- Process Control and Automation
Process Control and Automation
In 1991 the sole Australian agency for Shinko Technos was gained as part of a strategic plan to diversify into the Temperature Controls market. Shinko design and manufacture Process Controllers, Indicators, Chart Recorders and Sensors specialising in temperature measurement and control. More recently Fastron has been appointed distributor for Crouzet Automation who manufacture a wide range of easy to use Mini PLC's, HMI's, Timers, and Protection Relays suited to a wider range of automation applications including access control, lighting control, solar tracking to name a few.
In 2020 Fastron Electronics will launch our own range of PID Temperature controllers to offer more flexibility with regards to updated controller features.
These products are complimented by Crydom's Solid State Relay I/O modules, LEM's range of Process Current Voltage Transducers and Alish's Process Indicators/Monitors.
Fastron also continue to develop its second generation OZtherm Thyristor (SCR) Controllers and Signal Conditioners which have been well accepted for their reliability and ruggedness.
Fastron also now offer Advanced Energy SCR controllers with optional profibus communications and have CE, UL, and ROHS Approvals.
More than 6000 OZtherm power Controllers are or have been in operation world wide. Fastron has the ability to supply the complete temperature control package to your requirements. This can include the Thermocouples/RTD's, Pyrometers, Temperature Controllers or PLC's, and the SCR/Controllers or Solid State Relays as piece parts, or incorporated into a fully integrated control cubicle.
Sensors Probes and Transducers
- Thermocouples and RTD Sensors
- Plastic Industry Thermocouples (Spring bayonet cap 1 or 2 pin)
- Type R and Type S Thermocouples
- Flanges and Fittings
- Thermocouple Cable
- Vehicle Exhaust Temperature Sensors
- Infra-red Sensors
- AC/DC Current & Voltage Transducers with Process Outputs
- AC/DC Hall Effect OEM current probes
- AC/DC Current and Voltage Transmitters & Signal Conditioners
See our Temperature Controls Page
Process Controllers
- Temperature & Process Controllers
- A wide range of digital and analogue controllers are available from stock. Multi-point Temperature Control Systems
- TFT Screen Multichannel Temperature Controller (8 point)
- Low cost 8 Point Chart Recorder (TFT Screen)
- Hot Runner Temperature Controllers
- 8 point RS485 Card (OEM) Customisable for almost any TC, or Pt100 RTD Sensor
Power Controllers
- Thyristor (SCR) Phase Angle & Burst Controllers (Electronics plus Solid State Switches) CE, UL, ROHS Approved
- Solid State Relay Based Phase Angle & Burst Controllers (Integrated and Controller + SSR versions)
- Voltage Regulators for Instrumentation
Solid State Relays
- 3 Phase Solid State Relays
- 3 Phase Solid State Relays on Heatsink
- Solid State Relays - Panel Mount
- Solid State Relays - PCB Mount
- Solid State Relays and Heatsink
- Heatsink for Solid State Relay
- Solid State Contactors (AC and DC) & Solid State Switches
- Solid State Relays (PCB and Panel Mount)
- Fuses for Solid State Relays
Relay and Contactors
- Slimline and Standard Relays and Sockets
- DC Contactors Panel Mount (Includes IP67 & IP67K Range)
- Traditional Din Rail Mount Contactors
- Capacitor Duty Contactors Suitable for Power factor Correction
Timers and Time Relays
- Time Relays (Iskra and Fastron OEM)
- Crouzet Din Rail and Panel Mount Timers (9999hours) Single and Dual Channel
- Astronomical Time Switches
- Dual Channel Hour/Weekly/Yearly Timers
- Sensata, BEI Sensors, Kavilco Encoders for demanding utilities applicatons
Indicators, Meters & Recorders
- Digital Process Indicators and Meters (Process variables with selectable inputs and alarms)
- Digital Chart Recorders with TFT Screen
Mini PLC's, HMI Touch Screens, Timers, DC Motors
- Mini PLC's and HMI Touch Screens
- Miniature Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and HMI Touch Screens
- Performance Series HMI with in built VNC server
- 3 distinct ranges available with different combinations of analogue, and digital inputs and outputs.
- Intuitive Crouzet Touch visual Programming Software FBD or Ladder Logic
- Monitoring Relays
- Din Mount & Loop Power Supplies, Signal Conditioners, DC Motors, Encoders
- Digital and Analogue Timers, Light, Water & Immersion Sensors