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Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)


Fastron Electronics stock a wide rnage of Class A high quality RTD's. Available in a standard range including 3 metres of braided stainless steel and teflon screened cable for an operating temperature range of  -50 to 350 Degree Celcius. Custom Sizes and Cable lengths available on request.

Available in PT100 and PT1000 types.

Fastron manufacture and source their sensors from local and overseas manufacturers in order to maintain the most competitive pricing whiel maintaining the highest quality. 

All stocked FRTD Simplex Series Resistance Temperature Devices(RTD) come with 3M Teflon\Stainless Steel screened cable with extensions available.

Sensor accessories including BSP Fittings, flang or addtional TC cable, can be found here.

Items held in stock are based on customer requirements/demand. Custom Sensors made to order typically in 5-10 working days.

For any special requests please contact the friendly sales team at Fastron

Temperature controllers are also available here.

Trust Us with Your RTD Requirements


RTD refers to Resistance Temperature Detectors, which are essentially sensors that you use to measure temperature in electronic devices. It usually consists of a piece of wire around a ceramic or glass core. The wire itself is typically pure material such as copper, platinum, or nickel. The relationship between resistance and temperature in the material provides accurate readings of temperature. Consequently, RTDs with higher accuracy and repeatability are replacing thermocouples in industrial applications less than 600-degrees-Celsius. Fastron stock a wide range of RTDs with custom sizes and cable lengths available.


What You Should Know About an RTD


RTD sensors are resistors that increase their resistance with the temperature. Certain materials are predictable in terms of their resistance and temperature changes which allows for highly accurate temperature measurements consistently.


  • You will find two main components in an RTD - the resistance element and insulated copper wires. While there are RTDs with three or more wires, the most common you can find is an RTD with two wires. The material that makes up the resistive element is critical because it’s the temperature sensing element of the RTD.
  • Platinum is the most common material you would find as the resistive element because it is incredibly stable, its temperature range is vast, it has chemical inertness, and offers a relationship between temperature and resistance that is almost linear. However, nickel and copper are adequate materials to use.
  • The principle of an RTD is that it increases the resistance when the temperature of the metal rises. As the current passes through the sensor, the element measures the resistance of that current and when the temperature of the resistance element spikes, the electrical resistance increases. The response time of an RTD is roughly between 0.5 seconds to five seconds which make them ideal for applications that don’t require an immediate response.


What to Expect from Fastron Regarding an RTD


We’ve been supplying components, products, and solutions to various markets such as energy monitoring, power electronics, process control and electrical instrumentation for numerous years. We are the go-to team for advice on electrical, electronic and system solutions. We have a first-class design and development department that has allowed us to manufacture our brand of components.

  • We stock a massive range of Class A RTDs. They are available in the standard range including three-metres braided stainless steel and a Teflon screened cable that operates at temperatures of -50 to 350-degree-Celsius.
  • As part of our commitment to excellent customer service, we manufacture RTDs locally and source them ourselves directly from other manufacturers to pass those savings onto you.
  • We offer an efficient online shopping experience. Browse the categories you require, click on the items you desire, and add them to your cart when you’re ready. After using one of several payment methods, we’ll dispatch your order to any location in the world.


About Fastron


With over 40 years of experience in the industry, it’s easy to see why we have a reputation of being a leader in our field. We’re proud to offer a broad catalogue of items in our store. Contact us if you have any questions or want us to customise your RTDs.
