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BS88 Fuse Link Semiconductor Fuses


Looking for BS88/Fuse Link Semiconductor Fuses? Fastron Electronics has been manufacturing Semiconductor Fuses since the early 90's. Semiconductor fuses are requred in applications where there are transients present due to switching control electronics. Semiconductor fuses will also protect electronics from lightning strikes and short circuit currents. Typiclaly used for Drives, Motors, and Semiconductors including Solid State Relays, Diodes, SCR's, IGBT's, and Mosfets. For any items not show in stock please Call Fastron sales team today for a fast response. 

Cross Reference Chart

Trent BS88 Style Fuse Collection

  • 15A to 600A, 250V rms and 660V rms types
  • Indicator, with or without microswitch and holder, can be supplied as optional extras.
  • Non-standard ratings and special mountings can be made to order.
  • Standard sizes to BS88.BS88 Trent Fuses
  • In-house manufacture means rapid one to two week turnaround for emergency spares is generally possible, if not already in stock.


For any fuses not show, please Contact Us 

