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SCR Based Phase Angle Power Controllers


Fastron have manufactured over 7000 Power controllers since we first introduced our SCR power controllers to the Australian market. Still 100% made in Australia, our Oztherm Power Controllers still prove to outlast all major competitors due to a rugged design built to withstand the harshest conditions in remote Australian regions. 

Suitable for Primary or secondary control, Fastron can also manufacture a secondary rectifer to suit. You can find some of our (7000+) custom made rectifer stacks here. 

We offer customisations and on repair services for all the control gear we manufacture.

In addition, Fastron proudly represents Advanced Energy (formerly AEG) the most cutting edge in peformance SCR Controllers and the original inventor of the Burst Fire SCR Control method. Their range includes Thyro S, Thyro A, Thyro AX, and Thyro PX Series SCR Power Controllers.  These controllers can operate in both Burst(TAKT) or Phase Angle(VAR) Firing Modes.  the Controllers can operate in burst fire mode even on the primary of the transformers with effectively zero DC offset.
