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Discussion and Articles on Silicon Carbide Technologies

Discussion and Articles on Silicon Carbide Technologies

Silicone Carbide is re-inventing the Power Electronics Industry by allowing space saving of up to 30% from traditional Silicon power modules. The main Applications are currently Sic Shottky Barrier Diodes, Sic Mosfets, and High Speed IGBTS

SanRex silicon carbide MOSFET modules offer higher speed and lower switching losses than conventional silicon IGBTs and significantly lower ON resistance, even at high temperatures. The modules offer a high Vgs(th) to reduce malfunctions.  The new, durable in a 94 x 29.8 x 14mm package has top and bottom die soldering and transfer mould technologies. Call 01793 784389 and talk to one of our technical sales team.

Sic Mosfet





  • Low loss even at high temperature
  • High Vgs(th) to reduce malfunctions
  • Compact and high power


  • Welding and plasma cutting machines
  • Power supplies and inverters
  • Motor drives


Link to Sanrex Sic Mosfet datasheet

SiC MOSFET Modules

Id Vdss Vgs(th) Rds(on) Vgs=20V Vsd Vgs=-5V
100A 1200V 4.5V 9mΩ 2.7V
150A 1200V 4.5V 6mΩ 2.7V
100A 1700V 4.5V 12mΩ TBC
150A 1700V 4.5V 9mΩ TBC


Silicon Carbide Schottky Barrier Diode Modules

If Vrrm Vf
100A 1200V 1.65V
150A 1200V 1.65V


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