Mounting of Cartridge style Fuse Holders
Mounting of Cartridge style Fuse Holders
-Fuses above 90 Amp should never be used in cartridge style fuse holders such as RTL18-63L and RTL18-125L. By selecting higher rated fuses, you are choosing a higher I^2t however the maximum current rating of the fuse holder under the ambient conditions remains the same.
-Ratings of 90 Amp are for resistive loads and inductive loads will derate the fuse holder further. Do not exceed the safe level of fuse rating and use. In general if in doubt about the load, or can not use adequate spacing, use 50 Amp rated or less fuses.
-For optimum thermal performance, cartridge style fuse holders should be mounted 10-20mm apart, particularly for aR, or gR type fuses.
-If in doubt of the thermal parameters, we encourage you to select open style fuses such as BS88 or DIN 43 653/NH style fuses.
Example of Thermal damage: If Fuses have been mounted correctly, and thermal damage is present, discard fuses holders and switch to open style fuses.