What CTs to use with Various Inverters and Meter types?
The following table gives a list of the most popular Inverter and meter brands in the market, and what type of CT secondary is required
Note as a general rule, 0.333V CT's are from USA manufacturers, 5 Amp and 1 Amp are from European Manufacturers.
Meter Type |
Suitable Secondary Current or Voltage |
Fronius 50KA-3 Smart Meter | 5 Amp Secondary Only |
Sungrow DSTD1352-C/1(6)A | 5 Amp Secondary Only |
Sunny Home Manager 2.0 | 5 Amp Secondary Only |
Inverter Type | |
This blog is intended as a guide to be used in conjunction with the user manual for each device. Be sure to check the relevant datasheets for any changes or updates to each model. The information is correct at the time or writing.
For any questions or clarifications feel free to contact our friendly sales team.
For other useful blogs regarding usage of CT's. See our Current Transformer Blog