Setting up FTM1 Series SCR Single Phase Controllers for the first time
This Blog is meant as a quick setup guide for FTM1 Series SCR Controllers
Main Points to remember
- Control Input Polarity is important. Incorrect polarity will allow the controller to output but not with the full range of control
- TB terminal must be connected to Neutral. or you will get open loop error
- L1 and L2 Orientation are important. L1 must be for the incoming power and L2 is the output side
- For 0-10V/POT/0-5V Control inputs, the controller must be set to Control from AI2
- For 4-20mA Control inputs, the controller must be set to Control from AI1
- RUN and M terminals must be linked in order for the controller to be in RUN mode
- A/M and M terminals must be linked in order for the controller to take the analogue input rather than control over Modbus comms
-All controller software settings are changed in the parameter menu
- If the controller is accidentally changed to chinese language, you can get to this setting by accessing the bottom menu, then scrolling through to the last setting which is written in English. press OK and up/down to change the language.Â
- There are several control modes for example:
Zero fire UU is closed Loop Burst Fire Voltage Control
Zero fire Open is Open Loop Burst Fire Voltage Control
Phase Shift CC is Closed Loop Current Control
Phase Shift UU is closed Loop voltage Control
The Complete Controller User Manual Can be Downloaded here:
This blog is a work in progress and will be added to:
For further clarification feel free to contact the technical team at Fastron Electronics