2 Leg Burst Fire SCR Control Advantages
Advantages of 2 Leg Control for 3 Wire, 3 Phase Systems using Burst Fire Control Method
Requirement for 2 Leg Control Method
- Burst Fire Control is Acceptable
- 3 Phase 3 Wire system
2 Leg Control Can Not be used in the following configurations
- 4 Wire System
- 3 Wire Inside Delta Wiring Arrangement
- Phase Angle Control
- Hybrid Phase/Burst Control
5 Main Advantages to 2 Leg Control
- High Efficiency/Economical – 33% less losses due to only switching two legs. The load current passes through 4 SCR’s instead of 6.
- Lower heat dissipation – Since we are only switching 2 legs, then the heat dissipation if 33% less than switching all three legs
- Safety – 3 Lage and 2 Leg Controllers have the same level of safety as both require a mechanical Contactor for safety disconnect. This is a clear requirement for the National Electricity Code since SCR’s are not considered a complete disconnect.
- Lower EMC and Harmonics due to having one phase connected at all times. This reduces potential clipping when one phase turns on while there is no return current path. 2 Leg Control generates less noise and harmonics than both 3 Phase Burst and Phase Angle Control
We Highly Recommend the use for 2 Leg Control for Open Delta, or 3 Wire Star applications using Burst Fire control, and in particular in EMC/Harmonics sensitive environments.
Reference of SCR Controller Wiring Topologies
Single Phase and 2 Leg
Three Phase Star
Three Phase Delta
Daniel Rehe
M.D. Fastron Electronics
Eng, Electronics RMIT
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