Setting up Rish Con P, Rish Con I, or Rish Con V Din Rail Mount Power, Current, and Power Transducers
Setting up Rish Con P, Rish Con I, or Rish Con V Din Rail Mount Power, Current, and Power Transducers
Note: while we are specifically discussing Rish Con P Power Transducer, the same procedure applies to Rish Con I and Rish Con V Current and Voltage transducers, however with a limited selection of parameters.
In this blog we discuss the basic setup of the Rish Con P Power Transducer.
This power Transducer is designed to diplay and output Real Power, Reactive Power (VAR), and Apparent Power (VA). In this example we are setting up for Real Power (W).
Before proceeding please obtain a copy of the Rish Con P User Manual available to download here.
1st point
For Rish Con P models, the user needs to set the Input start and end values, based on the secondary ratings of the CT/PT values.
Refer NOTE, written on the end line of page 23 from manual. ( * Note:- Enter values in terms of secondary value.)
2nd point
For CT ratio is 50/5A & input voltage is 415V AC L-L (direct). Hence, the system Max. Real (active) power is 50A X 415V X 1.732 (ROOT 3 being 3 phase system) = 35939 WATT = 35.939KW.
3rd Point
You need to assign the secondary values for start & end point settings.
For our example: Input current - 50A with Input Voltage 415V, we have a Real Power value of 35.93KW. User can set start value of input ( header) as "0" and to set the end value of input ( header) as 35.93KW.
You also need to program the value as 5A (equivalent secondary current at 50A) X 415V (direct input) X 1.732 = "3593". So, the meter will work as 4mA DC output at 0 KW and 20mA DC output at 35.93 KW
Example with 40 Amp CT: Input current - 40A , Input Voltage 415V we have Real Power value - 28.75KW. User can set start value of input ( header) as "0" and to set the end value of input ( header) as 28.75KW, users need to program the value as 2875 [i.e. 4A (equivalent secondary current at 40A) X 415V (direct input) X 1.732 = "2875"]. So, the meter will work as 4mA DC output at 0 KW and 20mA DC output at 28.75 KW
We hope this article has helped you. User can make calculations based on any input values of current and voltages. For simplicity, just derive values first based on the site requirements and then feed into the unit.
For, 40A / 415V input in 3Phase with output 4-20mA DC, Calculate the power based on secondary values, as shown above.
Start value of power - 0 / End value of Power (based on equivalent secondary values) - 2875
Start value of output - 4 mA / End value of output - 20 mA
You can find Pricing and availibilty for Rich Con P Transducer in our online store.
For further clarification please contact us.