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Rogowski Coil Integrators

Are you looking for Single Phase Rogowski coil sensors or Rogowski current sensors in Australia? Here at Fastron Electronics, we can provide you with all the equipment you need for measuring AC and Pulsed Power Sources. Our team has more than 40 years of experience in the supply of Rogowski coil sensors and Rogowski current sensors.

We stock a range of Single Phase Rogowski Coils which come with or without an integrator. Single (RCT) or Three Phase (RCS) options are available.

Please note that the standard Integrator is 0.333V output while 5 Amp and 1 Amp output versions are available. In addition, LEM ART Coils and LEM AI-PMUL combination integrator with True RMS signal conditioner provide a range of benefits:

  • Unparalleled flexibility with selectable input sensitivity
  • Selectable direct or true RMS outputs
  • Selectable measurement ranges up to 5000A without requiring any factory calibration.
  • AI-PMUL Series Integrators can be used with any ferrite based Rogowski Coils

    Simply carry some ART coils of various sizes and a few integrators to be prepared for any measurement requirement application at short notice.

    Fastron Electronics offers free shipping on all orders over $300AUD to ensure you get the products you need at a competitive price. Shop online now or contact our team to make a custom enquiry or to get a quote for your special project.
