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Hanyoung Nux Logo

Hanyoung Nux Official Australia and New Zealand Distributor

Fastron Electronics has been distributing PID Controllers since 1995 whne we took over the Shinko distributorship from Ansett !

Hanyoung Nux are Global Leaders in Process Control Including PID Temperature Controllers, Humidity Controllers, Pattern or Step Controlers, Dual Controllers, Pnale Meters, Pushbuttons, Indicators,Solid State Contactors, SCR Power Regulators

Hanyoung Nux offer excpetions quaiyt with top tier service and at a reasonable price point. If you are using other major brands in the past, you will be suporsed by the ease of use and simplicity of the design offered by Hanyoung Nux.


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For further information of specific product Enquiries please contact the friendly sales team at Fastron Electronics.
